Tear Down Those Walls

by | Nov 6, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

“Build your house of safety with determination.

Then take it all apart with joyful trust.”

Dougall Fraser is a popular psychic. I spoke with him a couple of times about how he “reads” people. He explained to me how he gets imagery flashing in the corner of his eye and that he reads the imagery. But interestingly, Dougall said that a certain “energy” must come through him to read another person psychically. He joked with me that most psychics are aware that unless “the energy” comes through, no psychic reading is possible.

Medical doctor turned spiritual teacher Brugh Joy shared that he was given the opportunity to give a sermon/talk at a church. He shared that he never prepared such talks in advance. He would wait for Divine inspiration to take hold and then speak from there. But on this occasion – nothing came through. He was awkward, fumbling for words and getting anxious as he saw folks yawning and looking at their watches. Embarrassed, he finally admitted to the crowd what was happening and luckily, the crowd forgave him. (Interestingly, this never happened to Brugh ever again).

I have a friend who was helping someone write a college entrance exam. It was “drivel”. He could not see how he could possibly help clean it up. But then something took hold of him – a sort of stream of Divine inspiration came through – and in a very short time the essay went from drivel to awesome.

All these stories share the same theme – a Divine channel, a Divine inspiration, a Divine psychic energy had to come through for a particular act of service to happen.

But there had to be an opening for this energy and inspiration to come through! And it is so easy to close off and wall oneself off from Divine support.

Dougall Fraser also spoke about how the psychic may be open to receiving psychic impressions about another person, but that the person being read needed to be open as well! If the person being read is shut down or closed off – it is much harder to get an accurate reading. I’ve observed Dougall when he was doing group readings tell fun, loving and self-deprecating jokes all designed to help people relax and open so he could more accurately read them.

Jason Ward is a highly skilled medical intuitive and he says much the same thing – if the client is open, the reading will be much more accurate and complete. But clients, who often profess to wanting an accurate reading, will close off certain parts of themselves.

Many of us have deeply buried secrets that we just don’t want others to see. So often, vibrant physical health and deep mental and emotional healing are intertwined and the more willing we are to be open, the more likely lasting healing will come.

I had a dream once where Brugh Joy was coming into my bedroom to see me and to give wise guidance. I watched him coming through the walls and as he does this, he says “Geez John…those are some walls you’ve got there. It was hard to get through!” LOL!

So much of the human journey is about building walls – we do this with beliefs, thoughts, trauma, wounding, and the stories we tell about ourselves, about life and what we deem “possible” and “impossible”. Many of us wall ourselves off from life and from both pain and possibility.

But there often comes a time in life where we can start to lovingly take apart the walls that we built to feel safe. The bricks and stones composed of old habits, old beliefs, and old fears – what if we took them out, one at a time, and replaced them with new habits, new beliefs, and new courage? What if we removed the brick of our old identity and replaced it with a new one? Or maybe we begin to let go of ALL our old stories, old beliefs, old fears and just open, open, and open some more?

“Some evening, take a step out of your house which you know so well. Enormous space is near” – Rilke.

In that “enormous space” are saints and sages, masters and mystics, angels and other benevolent beings, peace and joy, wisdom and guidance and boundless unconditional love. A universal abundance and support beyond measure.

So, if you feel so inclined, start tearing down your old walls of safety. And do it with Trust. With Faith. With Self-Love. With Laughter. Come out of hiding. Reveal yourself. Start Healing. Try Forgiveness. Be Compassion. Open to Divine guidance and support.

See and feel the mystery and the majesty that lay just beyond your walls.

Love to All!

John David Latta

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About John

John David Latta is a mystic, author, teacher and successful founder and CEO of a multimillion-dollar consumer products company. In his first book, The Synchronicity of Love, he shares his extraordinary stories of the radical transformation he underwent when he began to follow the path of the Heart Center with sincerity and earnestness. His stories inspire, uplift, heal, shock, unite, awaken and transform.