
by | Mar 24, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

My indigenous friend suggested I hike through the Two Hills Monument.

I am here now staring at 2 giant hills – like small mountains with almost identical rounded tops. There is nothing very spectacular about either one – both are big, round and look a bit like mirror images of each other.

The scene is entirely unspectacular. No one else is here either.

But as I look closer, I see there are many people on both the hills.

Thousands of people. But they all seem to all be mirror images – like perfect opposites of each other.

Still…I can’t see the point. Why did my friend suggest I come here?

A still quiet voice calls to me with a subtle urging. I look up, I look around. I can’t find where the voice is coming from.

Between the two hills flows a small pretty blue stream. It is calling to me.

It says without words, “I am Pocatino – the stream that flows between two hills”.

It laughs a knowing laugh. If a stream could smile, I felt it smiling at me.

It points at the hills and says to me “There is another way. Not left. Not right. A Middle Way. Jump in. Come enjoy the Undivided Movement”.

I did.

Flow. Undivided. Ceaseless movement. Infinite Peace. The hills were beautiful. The thousands of people on the hills were also beautiful.


Today I will remember that there is always a third way. A way beyond either/or. A way beyond division. A way beyond the politics and arguments of blue & red, left & right, good & evil.

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About John

John David Latta is a mystic, author, teacher and successful founder and CEO of a multimillion-dollar consumer products company. In his first book, The Synchronicity of Love, he shares his extraordinary stories of the radical transformation he underwent when he began to follow the path of the Heart Center with sincerity and earnestness. His stories inspire, uplift, heal, shock, unite, awaken and transform.