Had a dream last night where I was in a class and part of the curriculum was to regularly go on long drives and while we are on our long drives, we were given a box of jewels and instructed to open it.
I love drives on long lonely stretches of road. Sometimes I will just jump in my car and head east – across the mountains with no particular destination in mind. And then all my best ideas bubble up – like boxes of jewels begging to be opened. I’m not sure why but I feel incredibly open and receptive while on the road in vast spaciousness. Ideas, intuitions, insights, inspiration all spill forth.
I have other ways to open – walks in nature, cleaning house (Wendy loves this part of me – LOL!), meditation, etc. But when I’m home I tend to notice all the little niggling things that need to be done and my open receptivity sometimes get blocked by an endless list of stuff to do.
Just curious…what do you do, if anything, that helps you enter a state of open receptivity where ideas, inspiration, insight and intuition bubble up?